Фотография года на Википедии


Страница финалистов конкурса «Фотография года Википедии» 2011 года

Первое место: A view of the lake Bondhus in Norway. In the background a view of the Bondhus Glacier as a part of the Folgefonna Glacier. (POTD)
Credit: Heinrich Pniok (Alchemist-hp / pse-mendelejew.de).

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Второе место: Self portrait of Tracy Caldwell Dyson in the Cupola module of the International Space Station observing the Earth below during Expedition 24. (POTD) Credit: Tracy Caldwell Dyson (NASA).

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Третье место: Cueva de los Verdes, Canary Islands, Spain. Reflection on water. (POTD) Credit: Luc Viatour (Lviatour).

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